Thursday, November 13, 2008

Spotty bitot

Spotty bitot was the disturbance that was marked by the spotty existence white like the foam in the layer of the next cornea outside. This disturbance was continuation of xeroftalmia with cirri typical was blind at dusk. This situation when being allowed to be able to cause the broken cornea and to be destroyed that caused blind permanent (keratomalasia). This disturbance was caused because of the lack of vitamin A so as made konjuntiva and the eyes cornea mongering. Spotty bitot also could happen akaibat the other disturbance like trachoma, the burn or kelpak the eyes could not close

Saturday, November 8, 2008

The gallstone

The gallstone was a situation where the accumulation of Crystal in the gall-bladder happening (kolelitiasis), or in the bile duct (koledokolitiasis). When the gall-bladder became inflamed, the sufferer will feel the sufferer was sick that extremely dibagian the right-hand stomach upper, was accompanied by the fever, nausea and vomited. This condition must be overcome/was treated immediately, if not continuing in an inflamed manner kolesistitis that could result in fatal. Sometimes cholesterol that crystallised and gathered with the bile liquid formed the gallstone. The gallstone could in the bile duct result in the great infection the bile duct (kolangitis), the infection pancreas (pancreatitis) or the heart infection. If the bile duct tersumbat, then the bacteria will grow and straightaway caused the infection in the channel. The bacteria could spread through the blood circulation and caused the infection in the other body part. This was caused because the bile liquid could not be channelled in the digestion channel to digest fat.


Autisme was a disturbance of the complex development, that usually emerges in the age 1-3 years. Autisme was in childhood marked by the existence of the disturbance in interacting social, the capacity communicated, and the activity berimajinasi. The cause that was certain from autism was not learnt, the newest research dripped cause problems for in the biological and neurological deviation on the brain, including ketidak a biochemical equal, factor genetic and the disturbance of immunity. Several cases possibly be connected with:
• Infeksi the virus (rubella congenital or cytomegalic inclusion disease)
• Fenilketonuria (a lack of the enzyme that his characteristics were reduced)
• Sindroma X that was fragile (the chromosomes deviation) this Disturbance could not be treated but could diterapi, meaning that the deviation could not be to the brain improved, but the sign could be reduced as maximally as possible. The sufferer autism could undergo therapy psikofarmologi, but this therapy did not change the story of the situation or the disturbance trip autistic, effective therapy abated the behaviour autistic like hiperaktivitas, the withdrawal, stereotipik, hurt himself, agrisivitas and the disturbance of sleep.