Friday, October 10, 2008


Arthritis was sick in the pivot that was expected strong was caused by the disturbance in istem body immunity. Arthritis was caused ketidak mampuan the body in produced antibody to protect the body and the virus that attacked the foundations, or antibody that was produced could not know the virus and the body cell. Arthritis also could be caused by allergen to certain food.
Arthritis had two sorts that is Osteoarthritis and Rheumathoid Arthritis. Osteoarthritis is usually met to old people, developing as resulting from from destruction of dangerous bones around the foundation because too many worked. If causing the feeling to be sick and bones became stiff (was difficult to move). Osteoarthritis generally results in the foundations bearing the burden that was difficult like the foundations to the femur and knees. Generally the content of iron and copper in the sufferer's blood Rheumathoid Arthritis high. The content of the iron that was high in the foundation and the liquid lymph could cause the feeling to be sick in the foundation. The level of high copper could cause not all that the availability of zinc, mangan and the sulphur in food.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As yet, there's no single cure for most rheumatic diseases, though many conditions can be effectively controlled. Research has led to great improvements in this area.
Treatments must be tailored to the needs of each individual, because the type, severity and impact of arthritis varies from person to person. You and your healthcare professionals will need to balance the risks and benefits of each treatment, based on your personal needs and circumstances. for more: