Sunday, October 5, 2008


Alcohol could influence the work of the body and thoughts. The influence alcohol very dangerous, not only from the aspect of the health, but alcohol also would menganggu the growth, increased the condition stress, melambankan the activity and could change emotions.
Konsumsi alcohol yang berkepanjangan dapat menghambat liver untuk memproduksi enzim yang diperlukan dalam proses pencernaan, merusak kemampuan tubuh dalam menyerap protein dan lemak, nutris esensial serta vitamin A,D,E,K.
The toxin that was produced by alcohol had the very dangerous effect the liver would mengalamai the fattening, afterwards developed by hepatitis and usually will result in fatal that is sirosis. Moreover the other organ like pancreas, the brain and system nerves of the slow centre will be damaged without causing the feeling to be sick. The woman was pregnant that alcoholism could give birth to the abnormal baby and mental retardation.

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